At Countryside, we are focused on meeting people where they are and providing impactful worship experiences.

Countryside Sunday services are back on campus on Sundays at 9 and 10:45 AM!

Countryside Service Options: indoors, outdoors, in-homes, & online

Join us Indoors with Redesigned Seating OR Experience our Outdoor Watch Party on the Grass (weather permitting). Click HERE for more information about our indoor services.

Wednesday Evening Outdoor Services

Family-Focused Services
Bring chairs or a blanket to sit on the grass

June 3, 10, 24 at 6 PM

Live Stream available at Countryside Anywhere

Watch Parties
You may choose to gather with close friends, or your life group to watch Countryside Anywhere together.

We look forward to worshipping with you, whichever venue you choose!

How You Can Help:

– If you are sick in any way, please stay home and join us on Countryside Anywhere.

– If you have health concerns or care for someone who does, you may choose to join us online at Countryside Anywhere.

– Please keep your kids close to you to respect the space of other attenders.

– Please maintain a distance of six feet between yourself and other guests. (If you are not personally committed to social distancing, we ask that you please respect others’ decisions who desire social distancing. Love should define our behavior towards one another.)

– But be sure to give a smile and a friendly wave!

Sunday Services
9 & 10:45 AM
(On campus and online)

625 Woodland Dr
Spearfish, SD 57783

Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
9 AM - 4 PM